Monday, November 8, 2010

A Reminder from God

....I heard trumphets, LOUD trumphets coming from the sky. When I looked up, I saw the clouds separating, like soldiers giving way for their king. Then and there I knew what was happening, what was prophesied to happen; It is the day that Jesus comes back to earth. I was right because suddenly angels started coming out of the clouds. My eyes were filled with tears for I knew I was not ready. I still have sins that needed repentance, and mistakes that needed correcting. But when I opened my eyes, it was a different setting. I was stepping on clouds! When I looked around, I saw people, a LOT of people, I recognized some but almost all of them I did not know. Then someone came to me and greeted me. I did not know him either but I was so confused I had to ask questions. I heard myself ask "Where am I?". Instead of answering my question, he answered "God has separated the faithful from the unfaithful.....we are the faithful." I felt an overwhelming joy pass through my heart but when I asked about some people that I knew if they were also saved, he just tapped my shoulder and looked down. Instantly I knew where they were. I fell to the ground..err..clouds, and started to cry..HARD! Joy was suddenly replaced with grief and guilt. It was my responsibility to share my faith to them. I could have done so much. I could have invited them to church. I could have introduced them to my Savior. I could have convinced them to study the Bible. I could have changed their hearts. I could have.....saved them. But now...

When I woke up, my pillow was filled with tears and sweat. yuck! This was the third time I dreamed about this. I feel so blessed that God allowed me to see those things because I believe that He is reminding me that now that I became a Christian, I still have a mission. A mission that every disciple is destined to do and that is to go and preach the Word, share our faith, and make disciples of all nations. I almost forgot that I made a promise to myself that my mission is to let my loved ones, and everyone else, realize how God loves them and how they need to accept His unconditional love. Even though I'm still not sure if I will be saved when Jesus comes, I will still strive hard just for Jesus to tell me, and all my loved ones, those sweet words: "Well done, good and faithful servant."


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